Do you all know how many options of bed sheets are there on the market now. Do you all remember when all the bed sheets were in white colors? Now, you can add style, pattern and color to your bedroom with the newest bedding.
Before you sped your money to buy the bed sheets, you should know what you should do and know.
Measure Your Bed
Pick Your Store or Shop Online
Learn About Thread Count in Bed Sheets
Choose Cotton or Blends, Flannel, Silk, or Satin
Check the Sheet Measurements
Buy More Bed Sheets Than You Need
Check the Laundering Instructions
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How often one should wash and change the bed sheets
Sometimes life has got so many things to give us headache. However, it is a basic way of leading a good life. We are so tied up with our daily scheduled routine; we don’t realize how long we have not change our pillow covers and bed sheets. They are as essential as we change our cloths to keep them clean. You can get eye infection if you don’t change them alternately. It’s a medical prescription to all.
Staying healthy and fit is just in our mind but we tend forget and don’t apply the tricks in our practical life. You must change your pillow covers and bed sheets once in a week. This is healthy and safe. In fact, it is also said that you can wash them everyday. However, this is not possible for us to do unless we are extremely rich.
There are many who do not follow the exact routine of washing bed sheets and pillows.
Some say you can always remove the cover and dust it properly and after dusting you can put it back again to re-use. You must wash them regularly after a week and is a must because dust and deadskin cell will remain and might cause you serious illness.
You should shock them overnight with some good detergent so that they are easy and clean properly.
You should not use your pillow covers for long period. Give them for washing. You are likely to get eye irritation and shedding tears because of dust present in the cover.
If you don’t have time to wash them please make it sure to dust and dry them in the sun so that other fungal elements or germs are killed.
Make sure to wash with clean water. Do not mix with other skin infected person’s cloths. Sometimes it gets into your cloth and will directly fly in your skin.
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